Filling in the Gaps Program (FIG)

We will provide a CTYE Liaison to build a stronger relationship between Youth, Parents, and Teachers.
FIG provides a Liaison to build stronger relationship between Youth, Parents, and Teachers. CTYE Liaisons will act on the parent’s behalf by being present in the school system. CTYE Liaisons will listen attentively to teachers and discuss the message with the student and parents. The Liaison will facilitate discussion among all parties to develop the best plan for the youth’s well-being.
FIG provides a Liaison to build stronger relationship between Youth, Parents, and Teachers. CTYE Liaisons will act on the parent’s behalf by being present in the school system. CTYE Liaisons will listen attentively to teachers and discuss the message with the student and parents. The Liaison will facilitate discussion among all parties to develop the best plan for the youth’s well-being.
CTYE Liaisons can assist FIG Families will the following:
o Parent/Teacher conferences
o Trusted advisor to the Parents of students within the JCPS system
o Tutoring
o Facilitating mediation
o College goals and scholarship applications
o Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) assistance
o Budgeting
o Award/recognition ceremonies
o School board hearings
o Connecting the Family to other resources as necessary
o Parent/Teacher conferences
o Trusted advisor to the Parents of students within the JCPS system
o Tutoring
o Facilitating mediation
o College goals and scholarship applications
o Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) assistance
o Budgeting
o Award/recognition ceremonies
o School board hearings
o Connecting the Family to other resources as necessary

Every youth participating in a CTYE program is encouraged to enroll in FIG. This program will help the organization keep track of each youth’s evolving needs and ambitions. As the youth’s needs and ambitions are discussed, the program will serve as a filter that will recommend which secondary programs of CTYE will best fit the youth.